The primary objective of the LIFE Adaptamed project is to protect the ecosystem services in
Cabo de Gata, Doñana and the Sierra Nevada against the effects of climate change.
The primary objective of the LIFE Adaptamed project is to protect the ecosystem services in
Cabo de Gata, Doñana and the Sierra Nevada against the effects of climate change.
This protection will be implemented through the development of adaptive management measures. The assets and services that originate in these natural areas include soil protection, the regulation of water resources and the climate, the prevention of desertification, the maintenance of fundamental ecological functions (e.g. pollination and seed dispersal) that enable ecosystems to self-organise, the provision of recreational uses, and the supply of many different products (e.g. pine cones, wood, honey and game).
Climate change is one of the main challenges facing these protected spaces and the assets and services they provide.
Through the use of adaptive management measures, which involve managing habitats with a view to increasing their resilience and resistance to the effects of climate change and other disturbances, the project aims to improve the ecosystem’s capacity to provide assets and services. A key part of the LIFE Adaptamed project is the provision of services to society.
The project also has a number of additional objectives, including actions designed to test and promote innovative approaches and tools that have the potential to contribute to the project’s main objectives; and actions designed to generate knowledge and raise awareness among particular social groups, as well as the general public, with regard to climate change in general and adaptation to climate change in particular.
Demonstrative focus
Monitoring and evaluation to determine the suitability of the different procedures and approaches adopted. Communication and dissemination in order to extrapolate the lessons learned and apply them in sectors that have the capacity to design and implement similar initiatives.
Pilot project
Using remote sensing and radiometry to monitor and evaluate the effectiveness of measures to adapt to climate change with regard to the provision of ecosystem services; and the networking of climate change observatories in different locations to form a Climate Change Information System with specific functionalities.
Best practices
A participatory, ecosystemic approach; the restoration of functionality for communities; and the integration of cultural, social and economic values into adaptive management: these are the most outstanding examples of the best practices provided by this project.
LIFE Adaptamed will provide data, experiences and tools for other managers, landowners and interest groups that must also tackle these threats.
LIFE Adaptamed will provide data, experiences and tools for other managers, landowners and interest groups that must also tackle these threats.
LIFE Adaptamed represents an important step in the long-term consolidation of the Andalusian Network of Global Change Observatories.
The objectives that have been set are derived from the experience gained in recent years, in which the three observatories have each launched separate monitoring programmes.
The next step is to: 1) consolidate the monitoring programmes that have been launched in the three locations while generating synergies and proposing shared objectives within a common conceptual framework; 2) implement adaptive management projects that apply scientific knowledge to management processes and evaluate the management measures proposed; and 3) promote social immersion and citizen participation in the project.